A Good Song

If even for a moment, a good song can snap you out of the every day grind, make you look around and know that things are gonna work out.

At its worst, Chicago can be a cold, monochromatic and dreary place. And it wasn’t long before four gentlemen got together and started writing songs that make the days just a bit brighter. The Clean Plate Club began in 2018 with songwriters Jon Wilmot and Jeff Jensen seeing if they could create a sound that blends Indie and old School R&B. Their eclectic tastes of music coupled with their love of Van Morrison, Roy Orbison, The Beatles and Alabama Shakes resulted in a feel that is uniquely peculiar yet strangely familiar…like that one dish your mom made you when you came back from summer camp. The duo then found local jazz drummer, Jeremy Benshish, and eventually bassist, Mike Lee. From there the foundation of the band was set.

The Clean Plate Club’s music features tight arrangements, catchy hooks, and just the right amount of musical virtuosity to keep you coming back. Not sure how they do it, but somehow the mix of soaring vocals, soulful guitar with Indie synth-pop just puts you at ease and gets your head bopping. Today, the band is dead set on letting the rest of this city know just how much good for the soul a proper live show can do.


Live. There’s really no other way.

Playing live is the band’s passion. While primarily an original band, The Clean Plate Club prides itself on the ability to adapt musically to whatever the occasion needs, from bars, festivals, corporate and cover gigs.

With The Clean Plate Club you will get the perfect blend of professionally executed musicianship without all the “uptightness”. While the band takes music quite seriously, they certainly don’t take themselves that way. Much like the band member’s themselves, the music is always sincere, approachable and most of all fun,


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